I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



“Placentophagy”- to me, the “Art” of eating one’s placenta…beginning this journey almost 4 months postpartum, under the order of my acupuncturist. Eagerly anticipating this journey, not just for physical reasons, but also spiritual ones. And excited to delve into this whole world of knowledge that is basically new to me; as well, excited to be […]

I Did It- 10 Days of Eating My Placenta

Postpartum - Mama and Baby

Our birth story begins long before the first contraction. As I’ve learned over the past year, a birth story is a journey, and begins with the decisions made by the expectant mother (or couple, as was the case with myself and husband). The first weeks and months of pregnancy, before we spilled the beans to […]

A Blue Moon Baby – The homebirth of Felix Zebedee

Birth Stories

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